The construction of Vinnytsia industrial park Volia Agri-Food Park Vinnytsia started in Vinnytsia

In Vinnytsia, the industrial park Volia Agri-Food Park is being built for more than a dozen companies in the food industry.

Vinnytsia has become one of those communities where active development of industrial parks continues, on the basis of which industry is developing, and with this the economy and our defense capacity are strengthened. Recently, representatives of the municipality visited the Volia Agri-Food Park Vinnytsia Vinnytsia Industrial Park, which will specialize in the production of intermediate and final products of the food industry, the provision of specialized services, research and development in the agri-food sector. Construction has already started here.

As Vinnytsia Mayor Serhiy Morgunov noted earlier, the implementation of such a large-scale project will contribute to food security not only in Ukraine, but also in Europe and beyond. According to him, it is also a very good investment example for other businesses and entrepreneurs.

According to Boris Shestopalov, ideologist and investor of the first agricultural park in Ukraine Volia Agri-Food Park Vinnytsia, the industrial park will become the core of the future Volia Food Valley food ecosystem in the country.

“My mission as the founder and investor of Volia Agri-Food Park Vinnytsia is to change the economic approach in the food industry of Ukraine, to transform it from raw materials to the production of finished products with high added value domestically. Volia Agri-Food Park Vinnytsia will provide international and Ukrainian food industry companies with ready-made solutions for relocation and business scaling. Here we create high-tech, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly infrastructure for the efficient operation of food enterprises, reduce their operating costs and increase profitability, promoting innovation in the food industry”,
— says Boris Shestopalov.
“At present, there are already four industrial parks in Vinnitsa and it is important that they do not compete with each other, but complement each other. The third — Vinnytsia IP — will host a number of agri-food specialization productions that will create added value of the final product. We are convinced that this will make it possible to reduce the burden on logistics, transform the food industry and create a large number of jobs. The expected amount of capital investment at the time of completion of the project will reach about UAH 3 billion. Jobs will be created here for about 2 thousand new employees. In general, in the entire IP of our community there are more than 5 thousand newly created jobs. Every Ukrainian community should strive for this and Vinnytsia is ready to share its experience. Our key task is to create conditions where people from abroad can return and work for the Ukrainian economy.”
- said Andriy Ocheretnyy.

The management team of Volia Agri-Food Park Vinnytsia plans to implement a strategy of increasing innovative activity in the agri-food sector. Park residents, investors, FoodTech startups and the research community, manufacturers and suppliers of technical and digital solutions in the food industry will create an effective environment for the development and implementation of innovations. Volia Agri-Food Park Vinnytsia is being developed on an area of 35.7 hectares, taking into account the principles of sustainable development, in accordance with the recommendations of UNIDO.

The first stage of the construction of the agri-food park will include the development of engineering networks, roads and landscaping on the territory of the park, the construction of a business center for residents, a Light Industry Box to accommodate the production of small food enterprises, a logistics center.

The infrastructure and service capabilities of Volia Agri-Food Park Vinnytsia will create an ideal environment for the entire value chain of residents — from the idea to the sale of the finished product, including:

  • research and innovation;
  • development of recipes and creation of new products;
  • product testing and improvement;
  • mass production;
  • warehouse and transport logistics;
  • product certification;
  • organization of sales and development of export potential.

You can become a resident of Vinnytsia Industrial Park Volia Agri-Food Park Vinnytsia by sending a request to the e-mail address or by calling the hotline at +38 044 247 7827.
